Fractional Director of Coaching & Culture

Empower your sports organization with expert leadership - without the full-time cost. We provide comprehensive support to enhance your sports organization's leadership and coaching culture through tried and true tailored pod training and coaching symposiums for your coaches and leaders.

✓ Tailored Culture and Coaching Plans
✓ Pod Coaching for Leaders
✓ Coaching Symposiums for Coaches
✓ Exclusive On-Going E-Learning

Unlock Your Organization's High-Performance Coaching & Culture

We instill the pillars and practice of high-performance coaching and culture. We have the proven blueprint to unlock the full potential of your organization.

We kick up an aspiration.

We educate the system.

We empower leadership.

We bring everyone into alignment.

We support the community.



BUILDING OUT culture & coaching pillars of excellence

Providing strategic guidance and leadership development to help them excel in their roles. Our coaching focuses on enhancing decision-making, improving organizational management, and driving long-term success. With our support, Executive Directors can confidently lead their organizations to new heights.

Pod coaching for your paid/volunteer coaches

Designed specifically for your coaches, offering them the tools and techniques they need to elevate their coaching skills. Through small, focused coaching groups (or "pods"), we provide targeted training that addresses the unique challenges faced by your team.

Coaching Symposium for Your team

Comprehensive Coaching Symposiums for your coaches and leaders, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to effectively support your athletes.

These symposiums cover essential topics such as youth development, sports psychology, and effective communication, ensuring your coaches and leaders are well-prepared to contribute positively to your organization’s culture and success.

E-Learning for Continuing Education

E-Learning: 6-Module Training Series Accessible e-learning from anywhere.

Copy of our new book, Good Sports: Reclaiming the Soul of Youth Athletics™ by Michael McElhenie, Ph.D. and Gregory Dunn

founders of exult athletics

parent community

Opportunity for parents to join the community.

Monthly live webinars led by a psychologist.

Networking opportunities and special guest features.

Access to exclusive E-Learning content. Accessible e-learning from anywhere, providing insights on positive support strategies, effective communication, and ensures alignment with your organization’s missions.

Goes live on October 1st, 2024.

What our clients are saying

What our clients are saying •


Athletes Trained


Sports Organizations Transformed


Years in Sports

  • “Dr. McElhenie, simply put, is excellent. He's a total professional who has the experience to speak confidently about his domain, but also approached my case with a level of thoughtfulness and individuality that made me feel like his most important client. We were able to quickly pick up where we had left off each session because he really listens and cares, and his easy-going nature makes it easy to begin a conversation. I'd strongly recommend Dr. McElhenie to anyone.”

    -D1 College Basketball Player"

  • “Michael is awesome. I feel as though he helped me solve some issues that I had been having for a long time. He is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. He balances creating space for me to talk and process things myself with offering helpful strategies, tools, and perspective.”

    -NHL Goaltender

  • "Our work with Exult Sports and Dr. Michael has been truly exceptional, revolutionizing the outdated methodologies in youth sports. Through personalized sessions, he's not only elevated my son's performance but is reshaping the entire approach to youth sports psychology. A game-changer for both individual growth, on and off court, and the broader sports community!"

    -Toni Danielson

  • “Our 14U hockey goalie has been working with Greg and Mike for about 2 years now. Not only has Exult taught our son to manage the stresses and the very specific mental aspects of being a goalie, but he has also been given the tools to apply these skills to school, and life in general as it pertains to a 14-year-old. Growing up as an aspiring tennis player, I wish these resources had been available to me.”

    -Carl, Parent of 14U Hockey Goalie

Elevate Your Leadership and Coaching – Partner with Us Today for Tried and True Success!

✓ Tailored Culture and Coaching Plans
✓ Pod Coaching for Leaders
✓ Coaching Symposiums for Coaches
✓ Exclusive On-Going E-Learning

empower your team today.

more development programs

Athlete-Centric Coaching Membership

Get access to a tailored curriculum designed to address your organization’s unique challenges and enhance individual leadership development. From Exult’s proprietary Zones of Excellence model to strategies for engaging athletes and managing complex relationships, our program equips coaches with the skills to optimize team culture and drive coaching excellence.

✓ Exclusive E-Learning Training
✓ 5 Personal Development Meetings
✓ 5 Monthly Group Sessions
✓ Customized Development Plans and Suppor
✓ Unlimited content access
Parent/Volunteer Membership Community

Our comprehensive membership community is designed specifically for parents and parent/volunteers involved in youth sports. This program provides the essential tools, knowledge, and support to help you navigate the complexities of youth sports, ensuring both you and your child have a positive and enriching experience.

✓ Exclusive access to specialized training modules
✓ Exclusive group webinars and workshops
✓ Community support with network of parents
✓ Our new book, "Good Sports"
✓ Unlimited lifetime access